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/ Money in the 90s (1994 Edition) / Money In the 90s.iso / picture2 / 1193c148.shg (.png) < prev    next >
Segmented Hypergraphics Bitmap  |  1994-01-21  |  114KB  |  213x840  |  8-bit (219 colors)
Labels: poster | sky | skyscraper | vegetarianism
OCR: THE MONEY RANKINGS MANE 119 Falni GraHlEr iChiat Growi Fitelil 20 fitelit Europe Fitelier Japan 41.7 Fiteli YPECIEE Basir 31.7 Fiagbin Paciti Growith 25. TOIP 14 GAN Pasilic Basti $2. G Euoge Graenb 22 Jara Growth 35.1 (5.91 .G.T. Latin Amanc Gronthn 20. Pacilic Grovih 774 ImEst Ewvepsar 15.3 ITTAESCI Pacfic Basin 335 John Hancock Freedom P Pacilic Uasn 3E. Cenada 54 European Equity Index 15.3 Mermill llynch DragonA Merril Lynch Mermil Lynch FinFuniA 21.9 13 Marrill LLynch ErFund R 7I. Merril Lynch Latin Arrurica 21. Merril I Lynch Latin America 20 Meril Linch iPaciticA 12. Merill Lnth PeciicE 31.1 1 Mirgar Asian Eqmiy 33. Kenport Tiger 75 Komure Pacifi Basit 30 PaineWebber Europe Growit n 27. PaineWebbar! Euroye Grovvit 27 Pioneci Europe 1F. Pradentinl Pachic Groth Armemial 1 PacTic Gront ...